Sally Zell Services

Structural Integration

Structural Integration

Structural Integration is a series of sessions (typically 10) designed to reorganize fascial patterns that limit the body’s ability to expand and function with greater ease in gravity. Dr. Ida Rolf developed and taught her ten session series in the mid part of the 20th century. She called her work Structural Integration. 

Several schools have been developed based on Dr. Rolf’s work including the Rolf Institute in Boulder Colorado, The Guild for Structural Integration (GSI), Tom Myer’s KMI and Ed Maupin’s Structural Integration Program at the International Professional School of Bodywork in San Diego, California. Ed Maupin has written a comprehensive text of Dr. Rolf’s original ten session series. He was ‘Rolfed’ by her in 1967 and studied Structural Integration with Dr. Rolf in 1968. I have been fortunate to have studied Continuing Education at IPSB in San Diego and mentored with Ed Maupin on the Principles and Practice of Structural Education. I completed my own personal ‘Rolfing’ at the hands of Ed Maupin in 2010. 

This work has had a reputation of being quite painful. However, Structural Integrators of today often use much less pressure, inviting the client’s participation, awareness and movement to reorganize fascial tissue. As a practitioner of Structural Integration, I strive to practice what Ed Maupin calls “Touch to Know”. A waiting, upon palpation, that allows the inherent wisdom of the clients body to communicate. He furthers a concept called Expansional Balance which is strived for in the practice of Structural Integration. If a body is aligned with the force of gravity passing through it, it is expanded by that force. (vs collapsed or contracted) The results are a body that is freer of myofascial restrictions and pain and full of increased ease and energy. Emotional patterns that are held in the body are often benefited as their physical components are restructured. How can one continue to hold depression in a body that moves openly and freely across space? There is an expansion of possibility. 

Some things to know about the sessions:

A thorough health history will be taken. Injuries or illness may effect the extent of possible integration or change in a body.

Since you will be moving and participating in the work, sessions are performed with the client dressed in shorts, swimsuit or bra to minimize draping concerns.

Before and after photos of the client are sometimes used to examine patterns.

Sessions usually run about 75 minutes. Movement 'homework' will be given. You will be encouraged to attend to self awareness.

Structural Integration principles can be applied to any general massage session for profound 'fix it' relief. For optimum results the 10 session series is recommended. It gives one a chance to explore long held patterns in the joints, connective tissue and experience of the body.

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